
This is a satirical look at the Isle of Wight. It is a good natured poke at island life. It is a slice of the stories from The Spoof, a satirical on-line newspaper. There are various contributors.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Door Left Open Overnight at Butterfly World--Fortunately, No Butterflies Missing

A door to Butterfly World was inadvertently left open overnight by a night caretaker who has since been sacked from his job. Miraculously, however, no butterflies seemed to be missing in the morning when the first workers showed up and found the door wide open.

Said May Flowers, chief entomologist for Butterfly World "We was right worried when we seen that door flung wide open an them butterflies flitting about nervously. It was the oddest thing. Butterflies were hangin' on the inside of the door even wit it flung wide open, but it's almost as if they was trying to pull the door back shut, they was."

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